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Getting Paid with InstructorPal

How to get paid with InstructorPal


Start by adding a class


Select to add payment options, and select whether you want people to buy one class at a time or multiple. This is just to help you out and can be changed later on. 


Enter your single class price and InstructorPal will create some plans according to your selection. 


Here you can click a single plan to get more options. Because processing credit card payments has a fee, you can click the payout option to have InstructorPal change the prices to either make the attendees pay or for the price to include the fee (i.e. you pay it on their behalf within) 


Press done on the above screen and you’ll get a confirmation with some information about what will happen after you save the class. 


Add the additional class details and press save. At this point any attendees you have assigned to the class who have a valid email will get an email shown later on that will give them a link to pay for their classes. 


You can also share the class by adding it on social media to help make signing up and paying for your class more accessible to attendees. 


You should have received the following email. This link points you to your account verification page. Make sure you verify your account with all the necessary information as this is required to be paid in to your bank. You can still collect payments from people whilst you are getting your account set up and any payments that have been made will all go to your account within 7 days of verifying it. If there are any outstanding verification fields needed we will let you know. 

Below is the verification page.


Your attendees see something like the below. If you want to customise your brand you can go here. Here you can add your own logo and colour. 


The attendees then see this screen by clicking a payment option in the email. 

Once they’ve chosen a plan they get the payment page. When they pay you will both get an email, and you’ll immediately see credits appear against the attendee in the app. 


Back in the app you can see the credits appear. When you check someone in their credits will go down. 


Here you can see credits reduced after checking them in. 

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