How to continuously update a custom map pin location on a map using Xamarin Forms Maps.
Wow, we thought this was going to be impossible!! Using Xamarin Forms trying to get our own map pin image on the map was one thing but then getting the location to update without having to clear all the pins was a challenge!!
1. Follow the Xamarin Tutorial to get your custom map pins going!
2. After updating your pins in the forms project, call a messaging centre to run some code natively
MessagingCenter.Send<CustomerMapPage, FocusEventArgs>(this, Messages.UpdatedPins, e);
3. Subscribe to your messaging centre and adjust the pins
MessagingCenter.Subscribe<CustomerMapPage, List<Position>>(this, VanuseApp.Helpers.Messages.HighlightTripOnPlatform, (sends, arg) =>{Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>{FormsMap_PinsUpdated(this, null);});});
private void FormsMap_PinsUpdated(object sender, EventArgs e){customPins = formsMap.CustomPins;if (nativeMap != null && nativeMap.Annotations != null && nativeMap.Annotations.Count() > 0){foreach (var a in nativeMap.Annotations){var title = a.GetTitle();if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(title)){var pin = customPins.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Pin.Label == title);if (pin != null)a.SetCoordinate(new CLLocationCoordinate2D { Latitude = pin.Pin.Position.Latitude, Longitude = pin.Pin.Position.Longitude });}}nativeMap.SetNeedsDisplay();}}
4. Make sure the customPins property is observable
private ObservableCollection<CustomPin> customPins;public ObservableCollection<CustomPin> CustomPins{get{if (customPins == null){customPins = new ObservableCollection<CustomPin>();}return customPins;}set { customPins = value; }}