Agile App Co. Ltd | 01273 782444

What Are We Working On?

Here’s what we’ve been working on recently!


Technologies we’ve been using.

Over the last few weeks we’ve had some interesting projects, working with ERP Mobile Apps using RESTful Web services and Lighting and hire inventory Apps using SOAP services. We’ve also been developing ASP.NET Portals and are also looking currently at Magento ecommerce sites with WCF APIs connecting to multi channel warehouse stock, inventory and order management software. We’ve also been talking to companies about providing auto upgrade mechanisms for their applications using Microsofts ClickOnce technology, and remodelling code to a cloud based infrastructure.

Technology we’ve been creating.

All that tech we’ve been leveraging has made some very useful software applications for our clients. First up we’ve designed a nice online web portal that links in to sage line 50 accounts, and allows customers to login and see their account balance etc. The portal also links in to an inventory system that hires out equipment for rental for designated jobs. The portal displays the jobs and their statuses that are currently assigned to the customer logged in. Documents associated with the jobs can be viewed through the portal and most importantly electrical safety certificates for equipment can also be accessed reducing the hire companies time spent on these administrative operations. Then there is the app that goes with the portal that connects to the same database using a custom API That has been built. The app allows mobile access to the same features as the portal, but for use mainly with checking electrical safety certificates and reporting faults with hardware. Secondly, we’ve been writing a very special app for an ERP system called WinMan. For a company whose USP is the personal and bespoke approach to providing software, we have been writing an app that allows bespoke to be designed through a simple Xml based schema. The app is written using the Xamarin.forms api which means it ships as native android, iOS and windows mobile. Anything from reports to complex processes can be built using xml which the app then interprets and renders. This app makes heavy use of portable class libraries and shared code and is targeting iOS for 64bit for best performance and user experience. We’re very glad to have been part of this project for the team at WinMan. For more info on the kinds of stuff we’ve been working on why not contact us now. Hope to be back soon Agile App Co.

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