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Author name: dangrosso

Installing the latest Android Emulators for Xamarin on Windows

For some reason the documentation on the Xamarin website isn’t as clear as it could be for doing all this.    The first step to realise was that Visual Studio needed to be updated with the new SDK Manager as the old one has become obsolete. Following these steps get this bit done Once

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10 Top Apps Built With Xamarin

  Coca-Cola Bottling Co.  Consolidated is the largest independent Coca-Cola bottling distributor in the US, with over $1.5 billion in annual revenue. The field sales teams use iPads equipped with the Marketplace Xamarin app to help them sell more Coke products and create awareness around various programs.     Pinterest Pinterest is full of possibilities

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MVC Razor Multi Select2 Days of Week

When you’re trying to do something simple and it turns in to 3 hours work!    Here was our solution for simply getting multiple days picked by a select2 listbox in razor MVC Model   public string[] SelectedDays { get; set; } Razor @Html.ListBoxFor(m => m.SelectedDays, new MultiSelectList(new[] { “Monday”, “Tuesday”, “Wednesday”, “Thursday”, “Friday”, “Saturday”,

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Continuous Deployment to Google Play – Xamarin

Continuous Deployment Overview Today we achieved a significant milestone in our ability to provide a streamlined process within our development cycle. Being an Agile Development Company we are keen to ensure that our clients have the best possible insight in to the progress of their application. Continuous Deployment has made this possible by automating the

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OnIdiom in Xaml for HorizontalOptions and VerticalOptions

This took a while to figure out as there seems to be no docs on how to do it. Finally managed to get horizontal or vertical options to differ depending on the device idiom e.g. phone or tablet.      <StackLayout Orientation=”Horizontal” VerticalOptions=”FillAndExpand” Grid.ColumnSpan=”{Binding PropertyListGridSpan}” >                  

OnIdiom in Xaml for HorizontalOptions and VerticalOptions Read More »

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