Agile App Co. Ltd | 01273 782444

Get a TV App

At Agile App Co. We’re starting to develop tv apps on Google TV and Apple TV devices for businesses in the UK. 


Why develop a TV App?

The next five years are going to be interesting in the tech world. As a nation we’re no longer satisfied with technological advancements that occur for too long a period of time. What we’re excited about today becomes apathy tomorrow. As it has become more accessible for companies to get their apps on to the app stores over the last five years we believe the same trend is occuring on tv. It’s now easier than ever to get your channel on the Amazon FireStick, Google TV, or Apple TV devices. Being first to the market with such a presence is going to give you the competitive advantage that having an App did five years ago.

How to develop a TV App? 

There are more ways than one to build TV Apps, but at AgileAppCo. we’re positive that cross platform development is the only way forward to develop apps. This is because it is efficient, consistent, more reliable, more cost effective and quicker to produce native apps. We’re using the Unity framework specificly for Gaming type TV Apps as we believe (being cross platform) it is the most powerful method to introduce our customers to appearing on our TV’s at home. 


How much does a TV App cost to Develop?

Everyone wants numbers. Ok, you’re looking at £15k upwards for a TV App as of December 2015. You’d probably get it cheaper but this is where we would start. Obviously it depends on what you want to do but Gaming requires a high level of skill and experience to create something that gives value for money and hopefully a return on your investment. 

Who can develop TV Apps? 

Agile App Co.! There are lots of development companies out there that can do this for you. We can for one, and we’d be keen to hear about the ideas you have for getting in to the TV market in 2016. 


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